Open for collaboration. Please contact me [email protected] or DM on Instagram in order to arrange terms of the cooperation.
Below is a short FAQ based on interviews conducted by Paulina Klepacz and Weronika Sraga for G’rls Room.
Who do you prefer to work with, amateurs or professional models?
Ironically, it’s usually more difficult with the professionals. They know what to do, what pose to strike to look good and then I take the pictures and realise that I know these poses, I’ve already seen it somewhere, which bothers me. Osoby, które nie mają doświadczenia z pozowaniem, często zachowują się bardziej naturalnie i spontanicznie na zdjęciach. Ale nie ma reguły, nie chciałbym generalizować.
Do you have any certain criteria of choice of models?
No, unless it’s about a specific project for which I might need a certain type of face or figure. But normally I don’t have any assumptions or visions (about model types). Zazwyczaj jednak nie mam żadnych ram, czy założeń.
Do you have any certain way of making them feel comfortable?
I’m trying to bore her with my company until she feels casual and stops thinking about herself being naked and me standing next to her with a camera. It usually takes about several minutes up to an hour before the model feels utterly comfortable, natural. Sometimes it’s me who’s more abashed. Zazwyczaj na początku sesji każdy się stresuje (łącznie ze mną).